Embracing the future
TUBEX Corporate Social Responsibility

As a company with a history spanning more than seven decades, TUBEX Aluminium Tubes has developed strong bonds with customers and business partners all over the world. They know they can rely on us for our integrity and for the respect we show the environment and the individuals who work with us. We’re extremely grateful for these relationships. They put us in a strong position – a position from which we can move forward confidently and embrace everything that the future has to offer.

Our Commitment to
building a better future

When it comes to corporate social responsibility (CSR), we want to lead by example. That’s why we recently signed up to the UN Global Compact. Through this commitment, we will embrace ten universal principles covering human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. We will also be helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), eigth of which will play a central role in shaping our company’s efforts to create a fairer and more sustainable world.

Our three CSR pillars

Corporate values

Our Corporate Social Responsibility is built on three pillars: people, environment and corporate values. Each pillar has a core statement that guides our efforts to operate in a socially, ecologically and economically responsible way.

Working with integrity every day

We are proud of the integrity, reliability and innovation that our employees bring to their work every day.They are the key to upholding our values and to securing our long-term success. We value all the people who play a role in our company, and we work hard to create an inclusive, safe and healthy workplace where everyone can evolve and achieve their full potential.

Promoting core values together

With our Code of Conduct, we have set out the principles that guide our work at TUBEX Aluminium Tubes. It reflects our awareness that our business activities must be mindful of their social and ecological impact, and respectful of the rights of the individuals involved. By following this Code, everyone in our company actively contributes to the success of TUBEX Aluminium Tubes and to a working environment which takes care of its people, its products and the planet.

Protecting the beauty of our planet

Our respect for the planet’s natural habitats is reflected in a deep commitment to conserving resources and reducing pollution. Every TUBEX Aluminium Tubes employee plays a role in consistently improving our environmental performance. We recognise that our supply chain, processes and products have both direct and indirect environmental impacts. Our aim is to identify them and find effective ways of eliminating or reducing them.

Driving the circular economy through innovation

Our Blue Tube range is a new kind of packaging for a world that is reassessing its relationship with resources and nature. The tubes maximize the use of recycled aluminium, minimize the use of materials, and give consumers the environmentally conscious packaging that they are increasingly seeking out. Created using an innovative and future-focused eco-design approach, the Blue Tube brand significantly cuts CO2 emissions and helps to drive the circular economy. This reflects our belief that growth must always go hand in hand with responsibility.

of all aluminium produced to date is still in use
Europe already recycles 69% of its aluminium packaging
Recycling uses 95% less energy than primary aluminium production
Innovations can reduce the weight of aluminium to preserve both resources and the environment
Aluminium provides sustainable support for the circular economy
Aluminium is a durable material that can be infinitely recycled without any loss in quality

Corporate values
Combining growth with responsibility

By driving sustainable development and innovation both within our company and across the communities in which we operate, we are securing the long-term success of our products while protecting both people and the environment. We are actively helping to create a positive future for TUBEX Aluminium Tubes, our employees, our business partners and all of our customers. With our forward-looking packaging solutions and business operations built on trust and respect, we believe that TUBEX Aluminium Tubes has every reason to be excited about tomorrow and beyond.

Responsibility in action

At TUBEX Aluminium Tubes, we are deeply committed to meeting the highest ethical, environmental and professional standards. We are very proud that we have been awarded GOLD status from EcoVadis in recongnition of our efforts in CSR.

EcoVadis is the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. The methodology of the ratings is based on international sustainability standards: the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and ISO 26000.

Upholding values throughout
our supply chain

Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the requirements that we expect our suppliers to fulfil. We are committed to working with partners who share our understanding of the need to operate in a socially and ecologically responsible way. By following the Code, our suppliers help to create respectful, caring and sustainable working environments throughout our supply chain.

We take lots of small steps to achieve a big goal: Sustainability

We reduce
We clean our
exhaust air
We use renewable
We reduce the weight
of our packaging

We’re ISO
We manage
our energy
We use sustainable
We reuse

What can we do
for you and your business?

Drop us a line or give us a call.
We’ll be happy to arrange a non-binding consultation to tell you all about what aluminium packaging can do for you.

© 2025 Tubex Aluminium Tubes
expect more from
aluminium packaging